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You only have know one thing
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At 4academics.com we have made it our job to research, provide you with information, and then connect you with the online colleges and universities that have your desired degree program. If you're unsure of what you want to study, we have lots of degree information that can help you get an idea for different careers and what degrees are needed to get into those career fields.


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Computer courses from top universities and industry leaders. Learn Computers online with courses like Introduction to Computers and Office Productivity. Business finance · Formation and initial growth · Bank loans and overdrafts · Leasing and hire purchase · Trade credit · Government grants, loans and guarantees.


Technology based distance education, the predecessor to the Internet, began in the early 1900's with the introduction of instructional films. Later, radio was used and then television. Instructional radio failed but television, due to its audio-visual nature, was a lukewarm success. An increased interest in higher education during 1960's and 1970's brought new life to distance learning. The advent of microwave technology made microwave networks possible and for the first time, distance learners were considered part of the university world. Programs such as University without Walls were quite popular. Britain's Open University helped pave the way for today's online higher education.

